Employee Advocacy

You already have potential followers within your own company. Creating a program of Employee Advocacy allows you to expand the network for your posts through an existing network of brand champions.

Tony will introduce your team to the concept of employee advocacy and social media branding. Select members of your trusted team will also be trained as to taking part in creating content for your company blogs and social media.Employee Advocacy

1. Choice – Let them choose to be part of advocating your brand

Participation in a program of employee advocacy should be by choice. Do not force people to participate – it must be voluntary. The best people are those who want to share news and information about your company. It’s a matter of alignment with your company culture. Keep your staff engaged and enthusiastic about your brand and they will be motivated to advocate for the company on social media.

2. Encouragement – Encourage them to grow their personal networks

Your staff has a following on their various networks that are already interested in their social updates. Help them align their social content with the interests of their networks. Doing this will ensure that their shared content will be viewed and welcomed by their friends and people in their social circles. Provide good content that they will be happy to share.

3. Learning – Training, Training, Training

For the greatest impact, your team’s shares should be spontaneous and come from themselves. This will always perform much better than manufactured messages put out by the company. However, this can only be done with training. Social media training is a key element of any social media program. The team must know how to use the existing social media tools and what they are allowed to say according to your social media policies.

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